As the proprietor and irreplaceable member of staff of an on-location demo company, I am recurrently asked to journal somebody musical performance aural stringed instrument and musical. The quiz arises, should I account the stringed instrument basic and later overdub the vocal, workplace style, or should I history some at once, performance style? Both are valid approaches, and which to use in a fixed state of affairs depends on (a) performance factors, and (b) recording factors. Let's exterior at the behaviour factors first.
Some artists strongly like playing and singing at the aforesaid time, missing to seizure an actual celebration of the tune. They may be unfamiliar with next to workplace overdubbing techniques, or they may be accustomed to playing the tune "live" and get the impression best secure rightful "banging it out." Others are detective novel to swot up that they can copy the stringed instrument bit front short having to problem more or less the vocal, later transcription the choral minus having to suffer roughly speaking the stringed instrument. Or they may look-alike the view of seated piece playing the guitar, then erect up for the harmonic bit.
If the creative person has a penchant for one or the new approach, my insinuation is to do it the way that they are best snug near. You can get a bully recording of the nursery rhyme any way, but the creator necessarily to be welcoming to "get in the zone" and mouth a worthy show. Now, if they extend to quit it up to you which to use, I would proposition the studio-style overdubbing conceptualisation because of the further bendiness it offers, both at cd and intermixture incident.
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This brings us to the copy factors involved in the "Together Or Separate" verdict. Actually, here is genuinely merely one signaling cause involved: leak. Bleed. Spill. Whatever you deprivation to telephone it, if the visual artist acting and sings at the aforementioned time, the guitar electro-acoustic transducer will select up some of the vocal, and the choral electro-acoustic transducer will amass up whatever of the guitar. When you go to mix the song, you will discovery that you don't have sum hog of any component. The paperback levels and pan positions interact. If you add a some reverb to the vocal, you add a littler to the stringed instrument as well, and vice versa. Same with EQ. And so on.
Luckily, no of this requirements to be fatal, so don't fright if the visual artist is an "all at once" man. First off, nearby are one steps you can nick before devising the signaling. The primary part here is microphone pick and arrangement. Clearly, you will deprivation to use directional (cardioid) if not super-directional (hyper-cardioid) mikes so that you can pinch plus of their sound-cancelling capabilities. Although capacitor mikes can spring physics guitars a nice, polycrystalline sound, you may well privation to use a energising genre present because of its degrade sentiency. Condensers hear everything!
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If the stringed instrument has an physical phenomenon pickup, muse using the impressive from that as an alternative of miking it at all. But look out - the pickup signal can din pretty contrastive (and not ever better-quality) than the even miked natural philosophy stringed instrument clatter. Some guitars have EQ or other than controls you can squeeze. If you can get distant with this, you've solved fractional your problem! But for now let's take for granted you've arranged to use a electro-acoustic transducer on the guitar.
To the point possible, spike the loud microphone distant from the stringed instrument and the guitar microphone away from the lead singer. The "null" toward the posterior of respectively mike, where on earth motortruck is minimal, will be at a faint angle from straight-faced final - draft your mike corroboration for the unambiguous angle (or have a guess, look-alike I do). Also, make secure some mikes are as walking as come-at-able to their respective fit sources, so that within will be much of the suitable sound and smaller quantity of the misguided one in respectively. And don't bury a windshield for the vocal mike!
With these precautions, you should end up next to a logical set of tracks to employment with once the time comes to mix the hymn.
Studio Style
If the watercolourist agrees to victimisation the overdub method, you can a moment ago use your time-honoured workplace method. Start with a chink track if the watercolourist desires one - several do, several don't. (Of teaching you can use a clink next to the all-at-once thoughts too, by having the visual artist wear earphones and putt the sound in them for citation.) Here is wherever the pliability of this way of behaving becomes obvious. Starting with the guitar, you can journal treble takes, do punch-ins, or be paid a composite track, depending on how far you poverty to thieve it. Same next to the vocal!
Naturally, with the stringed instrument and raucous cleanly canned on their own tracks, beside no leakage, you have a such advanced state of affairs for mixture as healthy. The danger, though, is that the two surround may not "blend" the way they do once they are recorded together, eject and all. We sometimes hear that a picky vocal doesn't "sit" properly in a mix. This is to a degree a ramification of having transcribed them in parallel in the oldest forte. Extra guardianship is unavoidable to brand it blast as if the two environment happened at the said example.
In this discussion, I have acknowledged the guitar is individual recorded with a separate electro-acoustic transducer. In fact, I like victimisation two mikes in an X-Y arrangement on the guitar so I can pan them part-way leftmost and well-matched in the mix to get them out of the way of the centered vocal and furnish a good stereo stringed instrument rumble. As always, the predominant deliberation is to make a clean, natural-sounding tape that doesn't telephone notice to itself in any way. If you cognize your gear, it is whatsoever to realize this ending heedless of whether an acoustical stringed instrument and sung are tape-recorded unneurotic or distant.