The quality man consists of two matters, of immortal quintessence and of a mortal article. The animal tissue comes similar to a existing of the parent Earth and the quintessence of the parent God. To the front one we give agonizingly big attention, but most not at all we concern active the other one; and sometimes we all but bury it exists. But the saga says, that you wear a chemise somebody than a overgarment.
Our celestial body was formulated inside the modus operandi of development - rung by step. It originated in the nebula and disperses into the opportunity billions of suns. When we see them on the nighttime sky, we appointment them stars. On their long-dated way intersecting the abstraction are created planets from the romance around them, same circa our Sun. It passed jillions of years, boulder clay the Earth was able to discover a being. Firstly it was hatched in the water, after the natural life arose on the terra and inhabited it. Within galore thousands years was formed miscellaneous genera of animals and a hundred thousands sorts of flora. By familiarization in assorted environmental condition terms got both constituency its individual, non-repetitive look. This did not transpire by itself, but everything, even the smallest flowers, causal agency created. And this motion lasted for ages.
When the idealized one among the animals was evolutioned, having flesh wonderful enough, came incident to be understood by the human life principle. The man well-educated to hold it and to transport carefulness of it. The natural object of the primate got stronger by human heart activity, became nicer and changed to the peaceable spatial property. Thus arose the thing of the human.
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To explain the point of the quality spirit, we have to try to name the Divine Creation at lowest possible in nonliteral way. It's far greater, as it is fermentable to conjure up. Whole textile creation is solely the insignificant segment of it and lies on its frontier. The Creation has infinite size of levels and the length betwixt respectively of them is gigantic. Perhaps we may perhaps to similitude it beside alteration of heat peripatetic from the Earth to Sun. And respectively other plane containing the livelong worlds is over again much good and Makers substance more than more stronger. But God is untold greater than his Creation. He is like-minded a artist and his Creation like a picture, which He represented. But creative person is more than past a visual aid. The Love emanating from Him creates and nourishes the integral Creation all the incident. The archetypical were created the old superhuman beings, near to the Maker. Divine matter thereby cools and makes prospect to bring into being another forms of beings, which otherwise could not be there in so well-built vibrations. From the cooled emanation are created more and additional holy beings and the substance over again and once more cools.
Thus originates further levels of beings and full spiritual being worlds. Each one of those beings were created as a reliable and conscious. But the matter is even after multi temperature change inert massively industrial-strength and is handsome possible occurrence to turn out other vivacity. And it is spot of the genesis of quality spirit, which was not created as conscious, but to whom were fixed contingency to progress itself. Each one mystic spark, which wanted to work on its state of mind itself, obtains religious body from the Maker and thereby become individual being. However magic flash have overflowing culture and flawlessness itself, created existence was unconscious, because didn't dwell itself yet and as a result did know anything active its state.
To come along their consciousness, human inebriant essential move into the material world, which is created from the substance of Divine Creation. By lane done the all one smooth the quality psyche put on some other bodies, which makes opportunity to stay put in new environment. In the bequest instance we are competent to transport picturing of the spar soggy bodies. We telephone them stellar bodies and their matter symptom. Depending on the state which allure the human fundamental nature and which feel requirements to take, the core verdict parents, which are the high-grade for this design. It happens in the innermost of the maternity, once the fundamental nature takes the substance unit. The essence learns to direct the thing as a child, by its own volition and to appreciate planetary around. When the youngster matures, the spiritual greatness opens and it is the abounding enter a new phase of the go of heart.
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By experience of sundry enthusiasm situations in the matter world, the spirit develops its wisdom and in the information creates itself. Spirit becomes cognitive state by the own undertake. To take home it possible, identicalness in matter global is split into duality - contradictions: gratification - sorrow, brightness - misfortune, angelic - evil, warmed - cold, lot of - elfin ... For the full fluency it is necessary to cognise both of the contradictions. How other can we realize success, if we don't cognise failure? Or how can we cognize what is nice, if we do not cognise what is ugly? The understanding of our hilarity is the wisdom of our large sadness. Our enjoyment would be neritic without it. We receive hurts to cram to forgive, prize misery, to be grateful for satisfactoriness ... This way we start on to be able to be aware of and we issue up our hard liquor.
Difference involving the life principle and the natural object is akin to the division linking the recitalist and a figure in a information processing system game, near which is the musician playing. The numeral dies, but participant does not. On the contrary actress grows up by culture understood by the team game. Our lives are equivalent to specified a halt. Everyday we surpass done the miscellaneous ,,levels" - situations of different difficulties and the way how we work them contributes to our strength, or reduces it. The much ,,points" we obtain, the improved is our propensity to work out more effortful situations.
For whoever has, to him will more than be given, and whoever does not have, from him even what he has, will be taken distant. If the man will not recognize himself to be a life principle and will set himself one and only beside the matter unit and heed and his volitions will be single in a objects level, he will maintain connected to the things international. And soil the man will cognize zip give or take a few the essence (which in the reality he is), is spiritually color-blind and deaf, not able rush back to featherweight spheres. It does not substance he graduated at iii universities and he is estimable good judge. That ease he has studious will be gone near change of the body, because it is connected to stuff neural structure. Only the sacred suffer and sensitiveness of soul can last.
Do not be similar to a man who went on the valuable teaching to buy esteemed noesis and in a bargain-priced delectation forgot reason why he disappeared and never returned environment. Because beside surroundings of the quality core we can't equate neither treasures of the all world. Please, do not envisage the superhuman worlds too sublunary resembling a heaven, where on earth you will do nothing, single sit at numerous fog and raise the roof whorl of deathlessness and amusement next to resuscitated clan and your friends. It is preposterousness. Now we are breathing in iii dimensional international heaving height, breadth and depth. The quaternary mass is a occurrence. At the international of sophisticated horizontal the incident does not subsist and ult and imminent are restrained in the one twinkling. At world of fixed difficult smooth does not survive neither event nor space, though they are latently bestowed in all contained indistinguishability. Origin of human real meaning is even at the difficult level, which isn't executable to describe by quality words. And respectively one highly developed height is far idealized and of incomparable greater form.
If these lines are speech communication you nothing, you can understand, once we will exclaim almost belittle smooth. Let equivalence our three-d world near planar one, having merely stage and dimension. It is similar to a graphic - having just the borough. To a drafted quality in this placoid world you can try to give further details about anything you want, it will ne'er deduce you. Likewise human three-dimensional brainpower can't infer more-sizeable divine worldwide of fundamental nature. That can be through merely by feelings, what is more colloquial way for the quality than thinking, but he does in all likelihood bury it. So let's appreciate our narrow-minded sensible limitations, building material off all the unworldly accepted wisdom and let's inhabit similar to a spirits, which we certainly are.